First time robo tripping, just took 1000 mg
What song makes you feel like this?
Songs that have you contemplating your entire existence
Planning to move from ohio to Colorado with pretty much nothing but my car and myself. What would be the best city to start fresh in colorado?
Going to move from ohio to Colorado with only $2000, my instruments, and my car and amenities.
I have these white circles on my tongue. What does this mean bro im scared
Never have trimmed or done anything with mustache expect shaved. How do I care and style it?
Hiatus Kaiyote. Just discovered them and yes it's fire.
"Mikrojazz". A very interesting microtonal album. This song is my favorite off the album.
Tell me the country/state you live in
How can I spice up Am7-Gm7-Fmaj7-Em7 going into the root chord Dm9.
I visualized all uncovered samples from Burial’s music.
Late Nov Recap
Guess my age and gender
Guess my age and sexuality
AMAMA is such a good album
I'd rather be a dick than a swallower.
Name literally any artist who you think has a compatible discography (except Kanye)
Stealing this from another subreddit. Best 3 song run in any album?
How about that new kendrick album what do yall think? I absolutely love it solid 8 out of 10
that's how you tribute Pac.
What music would you listen to on this road?
Kevin doing anything but dropping an album bruh
A sweet surprise 🥺🥺