Help me find the best look for me!
Why does my beard look like that?
My first dress
18F, how bad is it? Wearing no makeup in the first 4 pics
Beard is making my face look round even though naturally I have a sharper face. How do I stop this? I’m 2 months in growing and would like the beard to look more angular. Last pic ideal beard
28F, I feel like I’m not ugly or cute enough for a second glance
Parents tell me to trim back to stubble, should I?
Not sure how long to grow for
Before/After 2.5 years [with my observations over time in the comments]
25. Does it fit me
It was over, I did le thing, opinion?
[29M] The scar under my nose has always made me feel ugly.
Enough to keep growing ? It should I trim ?
I'm curious what nose have I got?
Beard, stubble, or trucker stache?
Beard or clean shaven ?
Long, medium or short hair?
Keep it short or grow it out?
Youtube's new layout is awful...
need advice
[30M] Unleash the truth people
I've been on topical minox since the 3rd of march, no changes as of now.
Albeit Devs
Minox on Balls
13 month on minox.What to do further ?