Red ink rejecting? Why so raised?
My wife swears that I(33M) am autistic, but I’ve never had that feedback from anyone but her. Is it possible I am and I just don’t know?
I'm being put into a group home (16F) but my grandma wants to take me in instead and mom doesn't want that. Is there any way I can remove her parental rights other than emancipation?
Struck gold two days in a row! The church next-door was dismantling and throwing away an old upright piano and was more than happy to let me take the harp. It weighs about 87 tons lol. What should I do with it?
Just a PSA: if you have zero libido and sexual function, it's a BAD sign
Am I doomed? Thinking of giving up
Partial Transition?
[0 YoE, Graduate Student, Machine Learning Engineer, USA] Please be absolutely brutal, I need it. Applied to 300+ jobs, rejections all around. I don't have any professional work experience, hence my username.
Possible remasculinization
Signs when I should stop progesterone?
Milan Laser Hair removal Mistake
Help please, I'm at a loss...
Too high levels??
Morning erections and wet dreams after 1.5y on HRT..need help
Who to intentionally fuck my values
What's up with you guys?
how is monotherapy better than not monotherapy? (injections)
Confused about blood values and doctor issues
My 10 year old tattoo has suddenly swollen and is really itchy
quick questions
Relatively low E levels but adequately suppressed T during monotherapy?
The constantly shifting goalpost and "ideal feamle body" social media bullshit.
Would I need to be rich to get tattoos like this?
4k/month salary in your country
Medical anarchism (story and would love to hear discussion)