This is why Moon Knight ult needs to be nerfed
All this anti Penni talk I see is stupid
Are melee and ranged DPS balanced?
"Bro where are the heals???" Me in the backline getting killed by the enemy Spider-Man for the millionth time:
Just hit plat in a week and half
Loving the avoid as team mate feature?
Do yal have different mains for domination/convoy?
What kind of glasses does Okarun wear?
Triple tonic and biscuits being in the same row was a mistake
What's a champion that used to be picked a lot in the past but has now become unpopular?
10 year old TED talk; a warning to the rich, from the rich.
New rune seems pretty solid
Did anyone else want Ekko's theme to play during the climax? I did, so I made it.
Two guys fishing for piranhas
Most fun match experience
Unending despair
zed current state
Liberals Just Lost the Supreme Court for Decades to Come
Swain can go back on my shelf
Follow up to my last post.. How do you suggest to adjust a champ to be a good pick for all those lanes ?
Man serving 30 years for attacking Nancy Pelosi’s husband gets a life term on state charges
Enjoying Malz again
Disappointed with console mods