Where does our spirit go when we die
Does anyone else get wrongly judged for having a bad attitude
How to get a job and keep a job if I'm autistic with a host of other issues
Why is society ok with women complimenting each other on their physical appearance and not be considered gay?
Does being autistic hurt your chances of finding employment
Who's hiring right now for the summer season
I sincerely hate you people
Why do I have to always struggle
Athletes shouldn't be earning so much money
What type of accomodations do you get at work
Where can I sleep for the winter
How do you choose your romantic partner? Where do you meet women?
What city and state are you from and where do you live right now?
Love where you live?
Don't know how to end a conversation with the normies that is acceptable for them.
What does an autism assessment entail
Decided to end my life tonight guess this is goodbye 👋
Why do I have to suffer for being autistic. I hate being a failure
Autistic and suffering
What canton has the strongest housing market?
How hard is it to get on disability benefits with low functioning autism?