maybe maybe maybe
Moving to Central Utrecht: How Can I Use My Car for Moving if Streets Are Restricted?
Would Saruman's Uruk-hai army be able to fight the host of the Rohirrim that went to Minas Tirith?
Someone got their history tests handed back face down🤭
Map Quiz: Can you find out what red countries on this map have in common? Difficulty level: Hard
What movies made you cry?
Is it okay, occasionally, smoking a joint of cannabis?
Underage Madlad
Dutch people at events/festivals/concerts
[Request] Is this true?
Never seen a set up like that before
How was Gandalf planning to enter Mordor if he didn't fall at Moria
Last night, I asked my friend if I should do it or not. He answered yes. So as a joke, I played Cho'gath support and the results...
What I don’t understand about the whole fire nation eclipse thing.
What is something from the nineties or two thousands that today's kids would be astonished about?
Why is it so hard for lol players to realize if they didnt treat women like shit maybe there would be more women playing
Just give a list of 7 movie masterpieces. No explanation, just masterpieces.
Ok, strange question but I'm really intrigued. Why so many of these rubber bands appear on the streets?
Film-productions that had an unintended but negative real-life outcome.
Classic American comment with added American stupidity
What's a movie everyone raves about but you just don't like?
Waarom draait niemand z'n banden op de vluchtstrook?
Best use of music in a film? Help me add to this!
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?