Got a MBP 2020 (supposedly) off of Temu. Did I get scammed?
Soda pop bug/debris cover drink id
dbrand robots are good at this
Honestly, the commuter bag isnt even usable
What's Ethan's best line?
My lord 😂
How would you caption this?
Modern watchface by Lukasz Zalewski
Silly elevated boi
My one talent is apparently predicting LTT videos and merch
There’s gotta be something to use these for…
Pebble Time Round USB-C Charger
This is my view every. single. morning.
My SSD is Linus compatible
Sleepy boi
convince me mark cant solo goku
I molded a custom colour end cap for my LTT screwdriver
One of my bits isn’t engraved properly
iPhone 16e Does Not Have MagSafe
Free CRT? Yes please!
LTT Commuter Bag fits inside the LTT Backpack
I had three Pebble watches in storage. All of them are broken in some way. Are any of them salvageable?
Me When I Learned Pebble Is Coming Back
This is so unironically accurate.
Is this a deal breaker for you?