Why do a lot of meats taste like chicken?
Has anybody here ever had sex with somebody famous? And feel free to stretch the meaning of the word famous, youtubers and D list celebs count here! Haha
What happens if paint freezes after I applied it but before it’s dry?
Request: men I can finger myself to?
I’m fully packed and ready for a day out in the mountains!
Lightly snowing at the end of the railway line
Getting ready for a day in the mountains tomorrow!
hakuba is nuts totally nuts
What is the reason that you make (and maybe send or post) nudes?
Got banned from another coffee shop
Manners matter
Using human urine in an attempt to neutralize the pain caused by a jellyfish sting.
If being in freefall basically feels the same as being in space, If I were an astronaut, would I still feel the same tingling sensation in my balls that I get from a rollercoaster or driving down a slope?
My mom just handed this to me saying she found it??
[Request] Most absurd porn/thing you've seen in a porn
Came across a 22.5 volt battery today
[Request] sub where women are cupping their breasts and holding them.
Wrapper I found in bedroom
In layman’s terms, what is a flat white?
Go card question?
A little weird.
Merry Christmas from Australia mofos
I thought someone was just drinking them at first..
[Request] Looking for a Upskirt subreddit.
Gore tex paclite jacket