Battlefield 6's leaked pre-alpha - building Destruction
What was the first game you played this year?
I'm a 37yo patient gamer on a journey to finish 1000 distinct games before I'm 50 (currently around 620 done)
What's your favorite Video Game of all time?
Butch wins! (or is it Bartholomew or Biff, idk) Who's the gremlin??
Najgore sranje💩koje ste doživjeli?
Zasto se zenama tolerira pracenje rijalitija dok se muskima ne tolerira gejmanje?
What’s your favorite game where you’re overpowered?
Can someone else relate?
What's the most aggressively mid game you've ever played?
What Was the First Video Game That Made You Fall in Love with Gaming?
Framed my painting of Wawnet Inn
What game is this for you?
The Witcher 4 devs on how Ciri's fighting style will differ from Geralt's: "He’s nimble, but he feels like a block in some sense. She's like liquid compared to him"
Battlefield 6 - More leaked gameplay - pre-alpha stages
Discussion: What videogame soundtrack has no business being THAT good?
which game becomes more fun when you start walking more and running/sprinting less? been doing it with rise of the tomb raider recently and it's been phenomenal!
Battlefield 2 Strike at Karkand by Me. Battlefield 6 looks good but DON'T PREORDER!
What main game character can't be considered as a good guy?
What is for you most touching Ash's farewell with his traveling companions?
Which console gave you the most memorable gaming experiences?
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Early Battlefield 6 Footage Seems to Have Leaked Online
This moment in the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 still makes me salty
Happy birthday Master Chief. My favourite video game character. (March 7th, 2511)