Content creators for ADCs like Alois for top lane?
Tank Busting btw, LMAOO
New LDR, Mortal Reminder, and Yun Tal changes from Phroxzon's Full Patch Preview
The #1 woman on EUW solo queue, Kittxnly, joins a competitive team for the first time - she peaked Challenger 1277 LP
Kalista is fucking dead
Phreak was right when he said to build defensive items
Corki still in GOD tier according to Reptile
ADC T3 Boots are the worst of them all by far
9/2/11 210 CS Ezreal almost gets killed by 3 levels down 1/5 130 CS Sejuani and needs Yones help.
The Ashe "adjustements" are just a major nerf overall
Nerf mages, or buff bot lane?
Riot pls
I have a boxing match in march what Eminem song should I walk out to?
Maokai tanks 60 autoattacks from Ashe in high Challenger game and kills her under her turret., after killing her Millio. Agurin is heard saying "Back off" to his Maokai, thinking that he loses that. Turns out he doesn't.
Want to do a melee adc challenge next split
Wake up babe new mage bot has dropped
ADC’s don’t want you to know this one secret build!!
how do you win games like this? Like jungle is so broken, a gap in the jungle is a lost game...... its so frutrating
ranged top is absurdly broken and nothing is being done about it
When exactly are traditional crit ADCs strong?
Is Senna viable?
ADC as a role is weaker, not weak. There are still strong ADCs.
Draven 24/9 full build auto'd Renekton 12 times and hits ult still doesn't kill him. At what point are ADC's supposed to do damage?
I’m gonna get destroyed for this
Classic ADC moment