My toddler is currently hospitalized, and I can’t even be there with her because I have the flu 😔
What room are you scrolling through Reddit in?
Name for baby boy
What was thrown at you today?
Seeing posts about insurance is so sad
Going on a Biological (potentially) Recommendations ?
Curious if you have a paediatrician
Anyone else first diagnosed with ibd, UC, or they don't really know exactly which one ?
Med question?
What’s weighing on your mind right now that you just need to get off your chest?
Sudden Side Effect to Entyvio?
Seeking support & stories of hope 🩷
PSC Concerns
Admitted to the hospital for prep
Seeking support & stories of hope ❤️
I'm in remission!
Protein shake recommendations?
Doctor is being really pushy about Entyvio
3.5year old and daily meltdowns lately - need commiseration really
10 year old has been on prednisone and just started taper…he gained 4 lbs so far. Can you continue to gain during taper? He’s still only 65 pounds and 5 feet tall. His GI “wants 10 pounds on him yesterday”.
GI wants me on infusions. Which works best?
Biologic Comparison Chart
What did you try after failing Inflectra?
Comparing photos of myself in 2021 (in a flare) vs today (healthy) and the difference is insane.