Not Trolling: Why doesn't God heal amputees?
Losing Faith To Islam. Need Answers ASAP
Accidentally catholic ? Lol they are so pissed, that they'll become Trad-wives 🤣 we win in the end
I finally want to fix my scrupulosity
Favorite Catholic YouTubers?
Is holding innocent Hostages a sin?
Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel was stabbed today during church service. I know he isn't Catholic, but lets still pray for his recovery. He does speak some valid truths.
Need some GUIDANCE about scrupulosity
Can I work on Sundays if I'm in financial trouble?
I didn't call the police when I heard someone scream last night
Should I have called the police? What do I do now?
I heard someone scream three times help me. I thought it could just be drunk people at a Superbowl party as I live in a student apartment complex. But what if it wasn't and now someone is dead bc of me? Idk what to do with this guilt. Any tips?
I can't do this anymore
Will Polyphasic Sleep stunt growth?
Should I get my friend to talk?
Should I transfer?
Fear that I have to become a nun
In Eucharistic miracles, how is it not cannibalism if the accidents turn into flesh?
I'm afraid
What are examples of perfect casting in film or TV?
How does fear affect culpability?
God is merciful
If you could spend the day with 3 saints who would they be
What do you feel is your biggest advantage against tall people?