Imma just leave it here
Javier Milei spune că birocrații din Bruxelles au anulat alegerile prezidențiale din România
Phone photo comparsion
Can this still be fixed?
Is this this meant to be commie or nazi or both? (nazbol?)
My local recyclers has a no sale to the public policy :(
Adeptii lui Georgescu se inghesuie sa-l atinga ca pe moaste
Why is managing notifications on Moto Edge 50 Neo such a pain?
What is happening in the USA???
Cum este posibil ca un singur om sa aiba atata putere ?
Tunul lui Firea din ultima zi de mandat - One Modrogan
Lasconi anunta ca azi apare la TV, hop si Nicusor la Gadea
Has this ever worked for you guys?
Parcul IOR, înainte și după defrișare
People don’t talk enough about how Connie drank Steven’s backwash KNOWINGLY!!
I just got an OG Xbo. Now what?
Here is a map of GTA 7
Good evening, can anyone tell me or does anyone know? A long time ago I played GTA Vice City on my uncle's Xbox360, but it was kind of unusual, where if you killed an NPC you became one
Xbox 360 Slim doesn’t power on, not event led lights. Just beeps
Best money spent
JU Buccaneers over the Twitter Links BS
Using WiiMote as a joycon instead of pro controller
Is the buttoned up suit a pc exclusive I can’t find it on ps3
My school gave me, and only me, a red laptop
Georgescu si medicii