What's the most embarrassing way you've failed a Freelancer campaign?
Does anyone else miss him?
Say one thing you liked about Freddy's dead: The final nightmare.
He's done you there, Steve
Piljyboys and girls, I am once again asking for your scrimpton.
Which ‘dead’ character is most and least likely to make a comeback?
Popular YouTuber who doesn't deserve their fame?
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
Which films do people automatically assume everyone must like?
Completely ordinary, boring, everyday British things you've never done
What's A?- Oasis ABCs
Will fable 4 ever be released?
What are we no longer in the 'golden age' of?
Found an old family photo from some festival or parade, long story short I tuned it into an Oasis album cover
What was your first DVD purchase?
If you could go to any Beatles concert, which one would it be?
they don’t even look that similar but for some reason it’s all I see when Liam comes on
What 10/10 comedy movie am i missing out on?
Sara Davies announces departure from Dragons’ Den ‘for now’
What is the best documentary you have seen?
What's the greatest "I'm dead and i know it" moment in movies?
Daily Song Discussion #87: "Hrafntinna"
Does Beard finish it?
of a pizza (54" x 54")
When XFM Worlds Collide: Pauline Quirke in The Elephant Man
what was the first movie you watched in theatres