This is my current way of dealing with polluted O2, is this reasonable or should I be doing something different?
How do I make exosuits?
Anyone else prefer the 'portal noticeboard' as opposed to a room of portals?
My first ever Esherfall. It's wasn't naturally generated but it was accidental so it's still coolm
I found some mistlands generated pre-mistlands, post hearth and home. Completely Barren for ages.
Early game questions and advice? Is throwing down workbenchs and quick stake wall forts everywhere bad?
Is this a good idea?
My son (13) and I just started playing and got DECIMATED by trolls, greylings, and even some boars. Should I lower the difficulty, or wait for better gear?
Need some advice
Will This laptop runt valheim?
IT'S OVER 9000!!!1! CLRR in action (high end version, reactor)
Anyone have a build for Salt Water Gyser when geotuned?
I know this looks very chaotic but it was mostly searching for geysers. But honestly im pretty happy with my base but im not really sure what i should 100% focus on next? connect the base up ? make a power line on the side? thats what im thinking atleast. Any help would be appreciated!!
Is maps not included down?
Electrolyzer Door Pump Deleting Hydrogen
Just got back into ONI after a while of not playing and I need to re-learn some things.
Flydos make the bio bots pointless
I know Solar Panels can't get sunlight if there's tiles or other buildings above it, but does another Solar Panel also block sunlight if on top of another one?
Like a locust swarm
Heat calculations
[Polish > English] My Grandma Got Another Card from Her Family and She Needs Your Help
[Polish > English] What does this say ? (Old military document)
[Polish > English] Is anyone able to decipher what this says ? (Old Polish military document)
IDEA: Thinking about a way to reduce potential lag late game.
Name a more satisfying thing in Valheim.