In the internet age, why are some LDS church members going inactive and some even having their names removed from church records while other church members remain faithful?
Anyone else think that the CK doesn’t sound all that great?
Should I be ordained as a black convert
Was Polygamy Actually Temporary? Or Is the LDS Church Quietly Changing Doctrine?
Lompoc, CA chapel mothballed...No wards meeting here. The other chapel in town as only 1 ward and 1 Spanish branch. Lompoc used to be a stake...
Ensign Peak ended 2024 with $56.3B US stocks, ~$206B total investments. Sold a net of ~$4.7B in US stockholdings during the year. Alpha of -8% vs the market over 5 years. DMBA owns 5 "sin stocks" notably avoided by Ensign Peak.
I posted this over at the exmo sub because I thought it was funny. Now that the source YouTube has been taken down and replaced with an edited version (that omits the handwriting mention), I'm posting it here because that's just so sad.
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android with 200 degrees of freedom, 1,000 Myofibers, and 500 sensors.
Hi! This is Alyssa Grenfell. I'm an ExMormon content creator and author. AMA!
If you happen to ride in an elevator with Rusty and you have 30 seconds to say anything or ask anything, what would you say?
Is Polygamy Really a Choice in the Celestial Kingdom?
Do i have to buy a ticket home if i go home early from my mission
Grandparents found out I’m done
Belief based on deciding to believe is like the logic of Dumbo’s feather. Kolby Reddish
Does God Hate Women, or Did Joseph Smith Get It Wrong? Examining The Coercion and Inequality of Polygamy in D&C 132
Eternal marriage and polygamy, as currently practiced by the Church, has some problems. But, is there a better alternative? I think not.
Does the Book of Enoch Prove Joseph Smith Was a Prophet? A Critical Analysis of Jacob Hansen's "Thoughtful Faith" Claims
My TBM mom just told me that she raised me to know JS was a polygamist and that he translated from a hat.
“Joseph Smith having sex with his wives doesn’t hurt my faith.” Response: That’s not the point anyway.
Unhinged Cognitive Dissonance: An Entire City Must Have Moved Thousands of Miles Because Joseph Smith Cannot Make A False Claim About The Book of Mormon
Modern "Revelation" Comes From Member Surveys, Statistics, and Research. The Era of Angels, God's Voice, and Visions Are Over (or Never Existed)