wtf yall.
Ok, I don’t post here very often, but considering I get at least 30+ notifications from this sub a day I had to speak up.
You guys are so incredibly dramatic it hurts, The update isn’t that bad, like- why must you complain about literally everything all the time?? Seriously it’s not that bad and the amount of bitching and Whining I see is honestly kinda embarrassing, maybe it’s because this sub is full of children and I just dislike kids But at this point I don’t care, with any luck there’s at least one level headed person in this sub willing to back me up on this.
I understand everything looks a little different and the app has changed now and change is weird, as an autistic person I utterly despise change, but unfortunately that’s just how things go sometimes, no amount of bitching and moaning is going to fix that, so I’m going to give you the best piece of advice my father ever gave me.
Suck it up, The service changing is not the end of the world, Oh- and if you’re offended by this post, you are in fact the problem.
Ok, rant over- im going to go back to lurking now, Thankyou for coming to my ted talk.
Ok. edit for clarification:
1) I’m not calling everyone else here children, who I am calling children are the literal minors that exist here.
2) yes you’re entitled to your opinion, same as I’m entitled to mine, and my opinion is yall are annoying.
3) my issue is not with the fact people have complaints, that’s chill, my issue is the fact that EVERYONE is complaining about a complete non issue.