Kinda silly but my phone theme :)
So are you guys embarrassed to use CAI
wtf yall.
Turn the comments into his search history
The utter despair of accidentally hitting rewind instead of start new chat from here
I got it, I thought it will be huge, but no. This a little bit bigger then my psp
Am I catfishing? Currently look like the last pic
I poured my whole heart out to my boyfriend on my birthday because no one celebrated me 💖💖
You crafty son of a bxtch…
I hope it's real
Here’s a guide for bot expressions (visualized)…
What does my art make you feel?
Site down, reply with pictures of your pets
Ya’ll know the drill
"wah, wah, why did they change the delete button. I have to delete each message one by one now" THE REWIND BUTTON IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE!!!
How dare you? How dare you interrupt my freeing and subsequent slaughter of man????
Bird ID help pls. London, UK
what does my art taste like?
Please treat 18+ users....
Describe a tmnt character badly
What does my art smell like?
Reply with the last message you screenshotted
Does anyone how much bots you are allowed to make in 1 day?
Figured I’d join in, What does my art smell/ taste like?