lets all remember the greatest emo band of all time
Worst Album in your collection?
Please somebody
marietta's discography is amazing
SoftCore Porn Suggestions on Instagram
Is being a partygoer that bad?
Can anyone explain "Hit hard by 2008?"
Losercity requests
is there something I can improve with my backrooms models?
Remade that one Partygoer image, doesn't look the best but I cooked with it's mouth
Put a girl on…
Name five emo girl bands
Post your IRL Fear and hunger item
What do you think of my album cover
What bands are your Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach?
need some recs pls!
Rancid had another "Accident", explain why.
What would this level be called
Looking for unknown bands!Midwest emo & Pop punk
So now they’re just openly admitting Trump will run for a third term…
Don't pet wild animals.
I marked all the albums i have listened to from the RYM top 200. What should i listen next?
Until you see it…
looking for friends my age who listen to emo!!