In-laws brought me the holy grail from Italy
Starting Graduate Medicine After 9 Years—Advice Needed!
Should We Be Studying Medicine Backwards?
when did you start studying for your 2nd yr exams :)
vegan getaways
What is something you can’t do, due to having ADHD?
Lidl unsweetened soya milk recently changed and I don't much like it!
What are the negative effects of medication?
Career change to medicine, is it worth it?
How do you memorise drug names?
What to prescribe patient who has asthma diagnosed but hasn't had asthma symptoms in years nor used medication?
Vegan Stollen
Struggling with my GP placement
Difficulty of practice exams vs. actual exam
Been off for 3 weeks because I had surgery and am worried on how to catch up
Med School, viable as a Dad of one while working?
Why do so many people dislike Quesmed?
Have you ever had a topic that you literally just do not understand?
UKMLA MSC Practice Paper 1
Should I increase my tretinoin dose? On 0.025% at the moment
Reducing redness appearance on chin-routine advice? - azelic acid
Watching neurotypical people do work is CRAZY
Possible to amend Occupational health?
Does anyone else struggle with regularly applying sunscreen?
first year exams :)