Non-muscular characters wearing clothes/armor that makes them look muscular
What does sex feel like/are we(virgins) missing out?
(Loved trope/Spoiler alert.) The narrator was the villain all along.
We all know how it ended last time when Ohma jumped in front of Karate master...
Episodes about characters disconnected from the protagonists, but it’s arguably the best episode in the whole show
[KCD2] Henry has been taking flying lessons
I can smell the comments from here
Realtors must be stopped.
If only insecurity didn't exist
This is my first playthrough. Are they really supposed to be THIS strong? lmao
Anyone else see the lady getting her large snakes some park time today?
Literally my entire deal is I'm not that other guy.
Do you agree with this?
Characters who blend regular clothes with their unusual outfit
I gotta find this show
Edward vs Trinity, who wins?
Best cakes in Henderson?
Losercity Im genuinely speechless who would say this?
Who knew that mixing some random chemicals would create mustard gas?
Characters wearing all black (or majority black)
I might be trying too hard
Forden is the one who's straight up evil. And last but not least! The man/woman with no screen time but all the plot relevance!
Even the closest ones don’t always see what you’re going through.
give me a pear and throw me in the desert