Give me a playtrough idea
Ps5 w: retaliatory crossed tree, marika and radagon sourseal and magic scorpion charm talismans h: ask
[Ps5] w: mule h: ask
[ps5] W: shard of alexander, rellan's cameo , moonviel + 10 H: karma
[Ps5] W: Mule H: Ask
[Ps5] Need rune arc, tell me what to kill
Ps5 W: mule H: ask
Ps5 W: dlc consumables and crafting materials H: ask
Need a third, dm for password
Any Cet players wanna play? dm for password
I Finally Beat It
Looking for cet people to play, no mic, password dm me
Keeps crashing after 10~ minutes of the match
Hide and seek, where am I?
Nightrein broken, need players on PS5
New ninja gaiden 2 black skip?
[Ninja Gaiden Σ] after 106 hours i'm finally a sigma (acustic)
Please tell me the worst has passed
[Other] last month of ps plus extra
[God of war 2018] Last platinum of 2024
[Multiple Games] having a hard time getting motivation to finish these, any advice?
Did it lag?
I’m trying to get an achievement
60 crowns left
Dragon's Dogma 1-Pawn hiring post