Incoming London F1 Best Hospitals for F1 – Support, Socials, and Mess?
London Foundation school - what groups are there and which hospitals do they include?
Stupid question but on the 27th Feb (when our allocations come), will we just receive allocated deaneries or is there more to it?
UKFPO allocation anxiety
How much does an fy1 earn?
Gaining weight since becoming vegetarian
Must know of cardio thoracic surgery
What are some must-know of cardio thoracic surgery?
What to buy from Japan?
Osaka Restaurants
Any good gyms with sauna/pools in Hong Kong island?
Hotels in paris - overwhelmed!
Advice for solo female traveller
Anyone else feel like the current gen of med students are a bit weird?
CPSA DAY 1 2025
UKMLA AKT Paper 2 January 2025 Post Exam Thread
UKMLA Paper 1 Jan 2025 Post Thread
Christmas/holiday rota FY1/2
Textbook recommendations for finals
Lost motivation and faith in the system
PIA and demotivatation before finals
Feeling demotivated before finals