What game is this?
$1Billion for one of your senses
Please tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist and even an idiot....please
Found out partner had slept with one of close friends in the past and lied about it
He died because she was on her phone
$5 million right now or everything costs $1 for the next 10 years.
Uhm guys?
$150K right now, or every purchase under $200 for the rest of your life is immediately reimbursed?
How does someone do something like bang their wife's sister?
A bad man sleeps with an underage and rips off his friends who are even worse people than he is (except for the one who dies).
Trump has committed the greatest violation of checks and balances in this country's history. What now? Will the courts contest it, or is the country officially and "legally" an autocratic oligarchy?
You get $15 million USD but I will use a random country generator to determine which country you live in for the rest of your life....
Woman Beats Men in Rap Battle, So They Rape, Set Her on Fire and Shoot Her
My girlfriend cheated on me.
Introverted dads, how do you tell your kids to give you space without making them feel unloved?
Who is your B99 crush ?
Who is the forgotten US president?
In your experience, what are some things that made a woman "bad in bed"?
A guy made a thing. It was kinda cool at first. Then like, became a problem.
Found My Friend’s Reddit Account—Now I Can’t Look at Her the Same Way
New from Donald Trump
Kid can see dead people. His mum gets a little freaked out.
You work at a hospital. An unconscious homeless man is brought in with alcohol poisoning. While you are alone in the room with him, a scratch ticket falls out of his pocket showing he won $500,000.
What’s a red flag you noticed early on but ignored—only for it to end up being the reason it all fell apart?
What is the hardest thing you’ve ever been through?