Trading for these
have/need sets 1-5
The candy known as 77-X-42…Where the hell is the candy?
Trades! All Sets!!
Lf 1:1 this is what I have vs what I need. Let me know what you have to offer and we can make it work
1-2 ⭐️ trades!
Trade for missing 1*
"No Mr. Simpson a cat is a living creature!"
LF just Joyride from Set 2 to complete set. Here’s my spares. Trade? I have on send left.
LF Quest Complete
Very well, it’s time for your bribe. Now, you can either have the washer and dryer where the lovely Smithers is standing, or you can trade it all in for what’s in this box.
Let’s Trade
Any trades welcome 😂
When Rugrats was in full stride their subtle jokes were very hard to beat
Sorry, M.B., but I’m having trouble with this character. Is he supposed to have some kind of neurological impairment, like Rain Main or Awakenings? I mean, what the hell am I doing here?
"local villain Montgomery Burns seen here terrorizing children in a nineteenth century wood-cut... "
In honor of International Women’s Day, give some love to the ladies of Sunny
Swops - looking to finish set 2, 7 and 8