Fey warlock Rogues
Good 1st level spells for enspelled item
Best classes when spell casters are removed
Can 4 level 4 players take this on after a bit of reassource draining?
Multiclassing Monk
Give me your best use of Sleep?
Should I Stick With D&D
My fiance proposed with an Amulet of Mara!
What do you guys allow for changelings?
How to build a 'samurai cowboy?'
What would be a good class for a charater that can't speak
Optimizing a rogue
What’s your current parties composition (race/class)?
How would u make a very menacing character?
Appropriate CR for a level 8 party
DnD Players of Reddit, what’s your go to class and why?
Support build?
How should I make my barbarian paladin
How should I build a mythic Phantom Blade?