Anyone knows a good Android DS emulator???
What else can I add?
Can anyone help me getting baits for fishing quickly??
I'm getting a Switch, what Pokemon Game should I buy??
Aceito recomendação de jogos
Você apertaria?
Gostam de RDR2?
Quais são suas opiniões polêmicas sobre animação???
My top starters!!! Do you agree?
SMT VV >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pokémon
Em qual você iria, e por quê? 🤔
is this good for going into hardmode
My first ever nuzlocke (Platinum) and I just wiped to fucking Roark by getting headbutt flinched 5 times + 2 consecutive crits
What should I build in a Modern City
What to build in a modern city???
What to do after beating Moon Lord???
I'm having trouble starting the game
Pokemon Yellow Hardcore Nuzlocke Part 4!
Am I an addict?
I wanna nuzlocke a rom hack. Not sure where to start
Diga uma opinião impopular sua sobre o mundos dos jogos