Hank is mean to Bobby
Hal’s most iconic quotes
Mental experiences of self
Future MIL (54F) called me (23F) stupid and now I’m considering calling off the wedding. How do I approach the situation?
Feeling alone but want to isolate myself..
My (25F) boyfriend (30M) is staying in a hotel with a woman who wants to sleep with him. What do I do?
This scene has always confused me…
Things that still haunt me
ngl unlike Francis I'd be fine with Willy giving me my own theme music
AITA for telling my husband that he failed me and our child?
I hate when people ask what’s wrong..
Coming to terms with reality
This was not Peggy's finest hour...
Hair help
Who's more Intelligent? Malcolm or Lip?
Frankie Muniz accent
Insensitive Comments
Your thoughts about Pansy Parkinson?
It's almost been 2 weeks.
I hate that I now make people uncomfortable
TW: Pregnant people follow me everywhere
I hate how bitter and jealous I am of other women that are pregnant or just had a baby
🔥 Black- footed cats are the deadliest of the cat family.
cat brought a mouse in during the day and lost it. mouse then proceeded to give birth in my bedroom at 4am.