do you guys only do live arena for the 5 daily wins, or is it worth grinding for the rewards?
arena/live arena advice
F2P only, what level were you (or how long were you playing) when you beat faction wars (as in, got Lydia)?
Increase attack champions?
I can’t seem to beat her… any ideas?
blessing for Alice?
Whoever told me to 6 star alice..tha k you. I hate to admit it but Alice the Wanderer has risen to top 3 of my favorite champs. Anyone else really like her?
Looking for lawyer/courtroom tv shows!
stuck. anyone here honestly worth 6 starring?
Accessible Spider Tournament Team - 4 Rares and 1 Epic
Reminder to never trust in game ratings. Fortus’s infinite damage growth has uses.
What are the Best Epics you'd like to have and why?
been stuck for awhile. anyone here i should prioritize for advancing my account?
I really hate live arena
Can he challenge a regular for their spot please?
pulled Thylessia and Mistrider Daithi last night. trying to figure out who i should focus on first
Early game players: Try to summon the void epic for the fusion if you can’t go for the fusion leggo
Highest power non-mythical champ in your roster?
new player, what to focus on?
Gorgorab worth 60?
trouble progressing. suggestions on what to focus on?
Clan boss team help
Need help with spider den
best arena team? also, is anyone here worth 6 starring?
Is it even doable?