with the recent rise of automatons, you shall apologize to this man.
Just had a realisation, Viktor is an idiot
"For Democracy!"-Kirby
In my opinion..
This Has Bothered Me For A Long Time
Which killer has the lowest skill floor, but is the hardest to master?
New Patriot
Your killer main is now your roommate, how much do you think you'll get along?
Low elo adc players wanting to last pick
Tahm Kench being told they're delusional by Riot can't handle it
I would boycott after this crap.
Killer mains, do you think that the upcoming quality of life initiative will make the game less stressful for both sides?
How would you Rework The Legion?
4 man slugs, its spreading and evolving
Police detained me under false information
If you're being slugged for a 4k, you should be allowed to DC without penatly.
Why do you refuse to embrace Hubris?
Solo kill XP has to be fixed. This is not acceptable
Yun tal, does it need a nerf?
One of my players hasn't been accounting for spells that specify a gold cost. What is the best way to handle this?
Yasuo has 49.5-50% winrate in all elos including High elo ones (D, M, GM, C) and he gets a much better buff
Emerald 4 to Masters 70% WR with mostly Katarina
While complaining about slugging they tried to make fun of my 4 steam friends and when I complained about the offerings they just said "You'll Live"
Which Aussie town gave you the creeps on a road trip?