Why do they keep messing up my poor boy Penguin. Let the man be..!
Show your avatar and I'll give you a song from my playlist, a funny video, and a rating 0-10
giving your avatar a song i listen to (image unrelated)
What name do I look like?
give me your avatars and I MIGHT draw them
Giving You A Rock/Metal Song based on your Avatar
Update on the Happy home!!!
Drop your avatars and ill tell you if my avatar would go on the Desert Bus with you (can be multiple)
Drop your avatars and I’ll decide what curse you would get (This’ll be the last post I do for the next 23.5 hours I swear)
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Does anyone know why it doesn't let people play my game?
Story about me and paranormal activity as a kid
removed hair?
Dti lore
What's the scariest dream you have had?
I know it's just a warning but WHAT???
People draw dewdrop like this or this
My psychopath friend
What do you do in this situation?
Song from a UK show?
Help me find this cover
Please help, im trying to find a song
Tiktok song
My friends pretending she's a psychopath