Is this a real diamond my hardstuck silver ass just beat?
Am I gonna lose my job or am I overthinking?
Elo resting is tiring and full of bullshit
What do you do to make yourself laugh in Brawlhalla?
If we live in a simulation, then what lies outside our simulation?
Finding inspiration without substance
I can't even get my masters to -10LUFS
Monogamous marriage is a false structure
Maybe maybe maybe
Love is the hardest thing to find in this world
35M. Hit my NW goal of $5M. Is this really it? What can I do with free time?
First gig on Friday, they want me to play 4 hours of deep house and I have no music. Help!
Anyone ever bruise their finger?
What exercises can I do to help me carry me wife?
God Particle users: how do you use it for EDM?
Tall people and Planche Pushups
Weighted dips/pullups is changing my body fast
Am I insane or does the water at Equinox taste bad
What’s the best over the counter testosterone booster you’ve used?
How long to go from hobby to job?
Time to Move On: My Experience with Equinox Membership
Anyone ever drink a bunch of alcohol before a trip?
Man accidentally walked into woman’s locker room
I shifted to my dream life in less than a year by realising this