Does everybody just not talk about magnamalo (variant included) turf wars that much?
I’m going to be honest with you I like damia Goku ssj4 design more than ssj4 gt Goku in terms of design.
Magnamalo is much more of a threat than Nergignate.
What are you naming your Seikret?
Do you guys think this should be malzeno theme? Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Primordial Malzeno Full Theme | 原初を刻むメル・ゼナ BGM (Cover)
What's your guys favorite fight in dbs?
Day 3 : Sorry guys but I mean who’s the top five flagship monsters who are the most dangerous in there story. And been in there story.
Magnamalo got more dubs than nergignate.
Magnamalo still gets more dubs than nergignate.
Day 2: wilds is one week away what’s the first thing you guys are doing in the game?
RIP "The Handler"
When magnamalo use it hellfire to boast around the place and use it to fight other monsters.
The handler is better than most if not all of the handlers) in past monster hunter games.
Posting every day for one week straight. 1st day: what is your guys favorite flagship monster to fight in fifth GEN (variant included.)
The handler hate because she hug our Palico doesn’t make sense
The handler hate because she hug our Palico, Is so stupid that it doesn’t make sense.
DuplEx - MH Scorned Magnamalo (Fanmade Theme)
Why does this sound familiar?
Magnamalo is overhated and you guys failed to see he’s much better than you guys think. (rant)
Here is mine hunter power tier list
What does my favorite monsters say about me?
Ssj2 Kelfa vs vegito is not close (in the anime)