Which score that I got is the biggest Flex
An updated thing of my island... What do you guys think?
Latest JD+ Drops (25.02.25)
One floor down, a lot more to go
New island who dis
Need islanders for my island
Rate these ocs out of 10 (I also want feedback on how to make them better)
Who should I add to my game?
What song do you have your highest score?
Welp….. I folded
What's a poorly written show made for kids?
I just started a new game! What characters should I add?
What's your most forgetable customer?
Why do they have the same name
They're finally adding custom playlists
Who else now officially despises Jake
Just dance pc
Parent of reddit what is the strangest thing you’ve walked in on your child doing?
Raise your hand if...(remainder of question in text and be Paleteria spoiler)
Flexing for no reason
How would you improve this season?
What's a smash bros opinion that will have you like this if you say it to the wrong person
Jojo.... respectfully, what the f**k is this order?!?
What songs do you use as workout songs that aren't fitness or extreme?