[AMA] Let’s talk about Takeover’s Legends and Weapons
"We promise you guys we are listening!" *Proceeds to force their entire playerbase to play the most horrendous game mode mankind has ever seen.
Chapter 71?
Wtf is wrong with this game
Concept for uncompleted battle passes you've purchased
What's the most you won playing MyLotto app?
What is the worst perfume you have ever smelled ??
Any advice for a 19 year old who has got 2 years prison time?
I just watched episode 12
Rant Post: I can't play this game
Thats so sad
What’s everyone’s thoughts after a week?
Pathfinder and Octane are useless.
Is this anniversary challenge not tracking for anyone else?
Can’t open game after new update
cant load
Rank rewards via Hypermyst
So how do the ranked rewards work this season?
I think I just used up all my luck hitting both skins in the first 2 packs lmao
To the creator of these. I hope you got coal in your stocking.
New to Sharesies and Stocks, (well…. Investing in general) what should I invest in?
I got let go this month, talked to an uber driver who was also laid off
How do I fix this? I even created a whole new apple account and still the same issue, can add my card fine to my apple wallet
Finally pulled this combo online with smoke new move!!!