Best Boss Fights in the Arkham Series?
Rewatched Season 3 Episode 3 and realized they teased an upcoming plot point
Michael Ansara was a good Mr Freeze voice except for this one time
Why did the show writers mishandle Catwoman so poorly?
Yall think dick was right to leave Batman?
I swear to god there has to be some meddling because how can nobody remember it even exists??
Yall seeing this bs?😭🤣
Volcana's Lack Of Purpose
how to piss off this sub in three words
Which "dead protagonist?" episode did you prefer between the two?
Curious, what's your "I did not care for the Godfather" take in about the DCAU?
Can we all agree that Lock up from BTAS was a MENACE!! Bro was so terrifying that he made the scarecrow scared!!
Titles and plot summaries for the first 7 episodes of S3 are apparently on the Prime Video app. I'm not sure this is legit though…
What if this show actually happened?
Mr. Ten Times Worse is coming [artwork by me]
Colin Farrell's Golden Globe acceptance speech
I noticed some parallels between Spider-Man and Batman animated shows…
these tnba designs are better than tas (i know they're two different robins, but i like the second custome more)
But why though?
Does one of the most critically acclaimed and universally beloved animated shows of all time hold up?
When I was a kid, this game was the shit!
Which show handled Clark and Lois' relationship better?
Thoughts on WonderBat?
I hope this is word for word (or almost) when they get to this part.