Explosive Round Billy
Can anyone else get on NA on PS5?
Not only is she a manipulator, but she's also a master baiter. Why is Piper the most perfect character in the game?
Piper X Grace is a wholesome thing I needed to see today
A Purrfectly Balanced SoC Fuck Chart.
Standard Banner After leveling up Evelyn.
Random Message From Homophobic Lady
I'm getting fed up with the blatant misogyny running rampant right now
Fishing mini game > drugs
Umm Well....
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
Should I Pull for Evelyn or Wait for Jane? (Fire Physical Team Advice Needed)
Never really noticed but
What is the tactical advantage of this move?
Yanagi VS Alexandrina and Wise VS a jealous Qingyi (by @000apple)
My bro got a new pair of big boots!
Yeah I should've quit while I was ahead...
Soukaku gives me the strength to push on, against the cold abyss
I kid you not, My luck is actually over now... 1st 10 pull off W-engine banner..
Luck of the draw
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Got my Singer some Security
Sorry guy, we’re still gonna goon
Evelyn got me my first S on Shiyu defence 7
Give me an argument for why he is NOT the best written antagonist in all of dragon ball