Would i live in your state/territory?
Did you reach level 200?
How old am I based on my steam library
How would you handle this (the player is better than you)
What Isekai MC has you going like this?
What has he seen below him?
Hey you. Drop your favorite game right now!
Genuinely Curious
Do you survive?
Where do I post this?
Throwback to when the Xbox 360 was in transformers
This is an experiment, Help a girl out!
Tell me your favourite computer game
Wyd if you are stuck in a room with V for 24 hours?
send me your BEST scenery pics ill go first
Guess my favorite character (Impossible)
Is there a limit to this quest
How screwed are you
Tell me a random shower thought
Gimme ur top 5 anime and I we’ll see if ur allowed in or not
Look what I found In the DI
What’s your favorite horror movie?❤️
Tell me your favorite show/comic/game and I tell you what world are there.