Do you use Anki at a job where you are constantly required to learn a lot?
I am looking for offline CTF VMs
Are there Christian pirates here?
Who actually does full blown automation?
Cyber Security Book Recommendation
Some guy warning about pirated software on r/cc. Is this really common?
Assuming I'm starting from 0 hacking experience and I start right now how possible is it to make 40,000$ next year in bug bounties?
I want to share my Pain story
Is there an offline backup of the megathread?
Adata hd710 pro - slow write speeds
I'm a beginner programmer I'm curious about machine learning and ai what language should I begin with
2,000 free sign ups available for the "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" online course. (April 2023)
EA make me rich
Talk about beginner’s luck (at dollarama of all places)
Does this count as Sensitive Data Exposure
A game that can get me into gaming again
EMPRESS isn't going to crack Resident Evil 4 as next game
Never again
Looking for peace; things are confusing, and not having solid answers is something i’m still working through. Not hating this person who, I believe, has changed my life forever and in a negative way. While they enjoy their health… advice?
Unprotected sex and antivirals
The Internet Archive has lost its first fight to scan and lend e-books like a library
Is it reasonable to ask that he take antivirals?
Want to start helping my 11 year old brother learn to code