Which position would you choose? Ignore copilot and radio gun haha
Describe it.
Edging tutorial
Need help building a missile liner
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. BR: 3.3
Of these bosses, which are your favorites (and why)? (Round 1)
The skilless cas main seeing a completely pylonless spitfire rapidly approaching him
Whitley has the wealth, he could have a mecha and it would be great
Human Gods are also Space Orcs
Adam & RWBY [JustEden/Sherazmiina]
So... I present the Matilda II... I have not seen many people attempt this (And I understand why...) Critique is welcome!
What ??
From what we know... Are our characters actual criminals?
Pov they heard you can’t channel the warp ( or hear the millions of screaming voices on Atoma Prime)
Britain the hero!
Favorite character who is a sniper
Was sueched mer da so?
Oh boy unparalleled death and horror
There isn't another country or person that should be more ashamed of their ancestors.
There is always a plan B
Nebulous Fractions in 20 years
Me when I see:
is this skill issue?
Jedes Johr de glieche schmerzhafte Rimainder.