Ada guide
which of my tanks is y’all’s fav?
Peak rank
PI app help
How I see Orka in my head (fan cast)
Manager f1 sorry for all the questions below
Am I too strong?
Confused with Forsaken stuff - TSR 46
What is this even called?
I'm almost 50, and age is taking its toll on my reflexes. But I still play every day because this game keeps me sharp. Today I turned a whiff into a walk-off goal, and it made this old man feel proud!
Fuck Huntingtons
Question about Erika in Charizard pack..
I simulated the Career of a 100 Overall Quarterback.
thinking about protesting this (thoughts?)
How do I properly rush in this gosh darn game?
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
I'm the Ferrari. Who is at fault
My copy came in today the front of the cover. It’s a bit water damage because the original owners because the original owners kept it under a humidifier, but everything else like the disc is in very good condition the manual I will give it a seven unless there’s no page missing
A couple crazy plays
Nothing spectacular
You favorite personal records?
Final lap battle for 1st, who's at fault?
Insane helmet glitch