What character should i prestige first and what dlc should i buy
Silent Hill Poster - IG: @cxrngraphy for more
Newest addition to our vinyl collection!
I just finished GoT and what the hell
Arlecchino wearing a dress (By @CHYM39)
Nod-Krai mentioned
The ways to save primogems
finally did my first RC!!!!!
How do you say "No" in your language
Throwback to the times when the cosmetic description was hillariously bad
افضل شاورما بالرياضض
Had a very wholesome endgame chat today. I got my favorite map Nostromo so i decided to play normal until 8 hooks. Then little farm and even got to show them the secret room ! That's why i love this game.
how can i get this banner?
A gift to myself
Last Round - horrible person & hated by fans
منتجات العنايه بالبشرة؟
Eighth Round - morally grey & hated by fans
What are your hot takes on certain (Killer) skins?
Please please please for f#uck's sake
Legion, Nemesis, Wesker, William Birkin, and Hunk are all joining 2v8
Seventh Round - good person & hated by fans
Show me your best DbD meme you have.
Sixth Round - horrible person & opinions are divided
Fifth Round - morally grey & opinions are divided
Fourth Round - good person & opinions are divided