Worst Shiny Pokemon
I know people usually tries to ask about beating eternatus but I have a more important question: Is this good enough to beat the immortal Greedent? Or should i just try to get some berry back?
Characters who's scenes are so iconic the fandom can mimic it word for word
Favorite Character who you want to hug after everything they've been through?
We’re just one Gallade away from a full team
The GTS does trade you a shiny
Do you think it's possible to beat eternatus with this team? The eternatus boosts his speed once his hp gets low
Favorite character who's name is a color, bonus points if they aren't even that color
Wave 165 is the hardest stage in the game
Poor choice of words. Toph got so mad she invented metalbending out of spite.
Anyone need a spiritomb
First time getting this, what’s the best option to d-max? (Classic mode btw)
Is this a problem with the time-line or is Koh remembering it wrong?
Did this on my main playthrough, as i had never played an actual game before
Logged off after seeing all this happen.
[Gen 8] I was just waiting for an STD to spawn...
That is one strong Charcadet
[Pogo] 🧍🏻
Characters with a dazzling smile
Who is "Yes I commited war crimes so What?"
Characters that have a bright/dazzling smile
characters that suffered fate worse than death
No one wants to be that type of trainer
Favorite character that isn't confirmed gay but a large chunk of the fanbase head cannons as gay
the pokedex is a wild thing