Explain to me like I'm 5. Why did I die like that.
Warhawk Athena Court-Ordered Child Custody Program Survey
Plumbing mystery needs solving.
Most reliable vehicle make
Hybrid vs Gas
Blue Pants Shortage (Any alternative sources to purchase from)?
What is the best gaming headset you have ever owned?
Keep crashing in Match summary
Massif, With or without the OCP top.
Feels bad
I laughed so hard when my random teammate did
Looking to have someone touch up this picture, maybe fix lighting, clarity, and any other aspects that may improve the picture $25 tip
My Electrical Nightmare.
Denied leave as a 3 level
Millions of Dead Fish Are Rotting in an Australian River
RIP Beards
Question was: would u want 5million dollars but u have to spend 1 year in jail
How to get deployed?!
Bad Faith Criticism
If you could pick 3 modern day aircraft to bring back to WWII, neglecting maintenance, fuel or ammunition running out, what would they be? Mine are: F22, F35, A10. [3500,4000]
What are the odds/probability that this happened
Joined the 350 speed club. Woonsa showed up in my inventory today!
Marine here, piss me and my buddies off by telling us how much better the USAF is.
One of a number of anomalies I’ve interacted with.
US Air Force Sergeant Karle Wolfe was a photo technician and one of the first people to see the first images coming back from the Lunar Orbiter in 1966. He was brought to NASA/NSA site and shown giant alien moon bases on far side. Footage at end of clip is John Lenard Walson YouTube telescope video