Do I have to use distilled water?
Tears… I can’t play this…
Tell me your favorite video game, let's see if your in
My girlfriend made me a fallout hoco proposal!
CMV: I find Americans offensive and I don’t like them.
New vs Old Designs #55: Vault Jumpsuit
Somehow I have multiple companions despite not having any mods for that. I want to know what mod is causing it.
Non fallout characters with a ten in every SPECIAL stat?
what's something you just can't fucking stand?
gang do we fw ruin pics
What NPC in any Fallout do you find very annoying?
Horror movie that are universally loved but you don’t like?
What was your first Fallout game? I'll go first.
New Vegas 1st Playthrough Tips?
Best and most likely canon order of picking up companions in Fallout New Vegas
I thought of this and I really wanted to show it off I really thought it was funny
What is your favourite weapon to use in fnv?
Anybody else playing Fallout 3 rn?
Is S.P.E.C.I.A.L copywritten?
I think the games are not scary enough.
[OC] steak tartare with golden osetra caviar and quail egg
Which of these gangs were your favorite and why?
Start playing Fallout, where to start?
Across any of the Fallout games which character can’t you help but kill on sight?