Its good that we didnt ________ gays
Roses are red, I think I'll pass.
Which character deserves their own spinoff game and what would that game be? (No Shadow)
____ing Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Looking for your favorite fics!
What character assassination hurt you the most?
u/Current-nerve1103 is in prison for ____
You wake up in the morning, open Reddit and see this, how would you react?
Which antagonist is universally despised?
Sonic was scared by the post above him. What is above it?
you get to choose a superpower but the reply will be you weakness
What Sonic character should This year be of?
What's your FAVORITE thing about your LEAST favorite piece of Sonic media?
Who Is Coming To Save You
Which antagonist is mostly well liked?
Ouija, can you speak Chinese?
I love rubbing _____ on my skin.
Never change, Reddit.
New writer
can someone recommend me fanfics?
roleswap au fics recommend ?
Are there any sonadow fics with sonic native language being Japanese?
I didn’t know Shadow got a new job, and Tails came out as trans! (Google Ai)
Yikes... Fwy does NOT like the post below this one. What are they so peeved about?