is it moral to accept gifts from indifferent in-laws?
accidentally killed my grains...any pics of properly revived grains?
how do priests navigate having female employees under age 50?
lowfat milk okay for making kefir?
what if I don't want to pray for someone?
does homemade kefir ever get as thick and smooth as commercially made kefir or that's not a realistic expectation?
kefir turned out pleasantly fizzy
fluctuating water weight 3 weeks pp?
best way to short-term (~3 days) of storing grains?
slowing down at end of movements in masses by Byrd/Palestrina/etc
is there a moral obligation to introduce child to in-laws?
how does one enter/begin a fugal stretto?
I dislike celery. What can I swap it for in soups?
special needs saints?
Catholic perspective on dating a single mother?
scoby multiplied??
what was giving birth but esp having a c-section like for you/your wife 30+ yrs ago?
6 M PP
can stir fry veggies be used for soups?
reviving grains--they smell better is a good sign?
is a period possible 2.5 pp?
did I screw up reviving grains?
Would a person with same-sex attraction be allowed to live a life of chastity but still adopt kids?
grains floated to the top?
more passacaglia questions