My first ever Platinum Trophy!
Found this in someone's coat
Are we cooked
20 FPS on Planet and 60 fps in SHIP with RTX 4060
After such a long journey i finally arrived at the desired rank of Rear Admiral and finally got the Corvette its been a hard/long month of grinding for this piece of art. o7 Commanders!!
One more to go!
Is the Odyssey dlc worth the money
So close yet so far.
When i checked how much i earned from defending Sol from the Thargoids i was shocked
Haven't had this much fun in a while.
I think my first taste of Thargoid combat went well
The Interceptors are no joke.
Thargoids interdicted me until they realized they interdicted the wrong guy.
Titan Cocijo is close
As of Dec 1, 15.20 GMT. Happy hunting Cmdrs
Roger Bennett, Technical Lead dev on Elite Dangerous is saluting to the community.
What is a good system i can grind federal rank?
Hello Jhin Mains
Final Boss Mordekaiser goes hard (with heartsteel)
FDev: We are currently investigating an issue which has required the Elite Dangerous servers to remain in maintenance longer than usual. We will update our socials once this has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.
Anaconda guide
that is unfunny (almost 2 hours...)
This system name reminded me of the most cringiest thing (my smile fade away so fast)
Im having tears of happiness seeing Elite going up in numbers again. i hope it grows even more and stays like that
I finally touched the most beautiful green grass in Elite Dangerous. Also the planet was beautiful.