What if Alfendi & Lucy replace both Layton and Katrielle as the future?
My year 4 farm! What should i add in the area between water ponds?
I have to wonder if Benson went to Dumptown USA after the events of “The Real Thomas”
Most Iconic Moment: Series 4!
Can anyone tell me how to watch regular show in chronological order?
What cringiest moment in a HG fanfic you can remember WITHOUT giving out anything about it?
Songs NOT sung by main characters: Polls
Most Iconic Moment: Series 3!
CXG Diegetic Songs vs Non Diegetic ones
Which episode's premise would make a fun 60 minute Arthur movie if the writers were to viably stretch it out?
All Stars + Veterans in Categories: Complete Chart!
Thoughts on Staci as a character?
Really stuck!!!
Which of these 4 supporting characters from Island was done the dirtiest?
Josh vs Greg and Nathaniel
Where were you when 9/11 happened.
Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists
Most Iconic Moment: Series 2!
An update to my "likability" tier list from a few months back 👍
The top 20 most followed BB houseguests on TikTok!
In 3 words describe your Mario Party Main
Arenas used as vacation destinations for Capitol citizens
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Titus did NOT compete in the tundra year (long)
How big is Stripes House? (Faceytalk)
Here my elimination from good to meh to bad