Merch desk cover origin story
"My favorite artist came out with a wicked new album!"
Bands that sound like Calm/music recs?
does anyone know how dean blunt achieves his lo-fi and dusty sound like on ital
my dean blunt story
Curious about everyone’s taste in music
Skee Mask confirmed DG Fan
Depressing ass Aphex twin songs
What are some *must* listen to electronic releases?
Emotional Aphex Twin Songs?
What’s your favourite song?
Namenslose Karotte aus dem Garten Vorschläge??
What bands/drummers are very influential to you? I’m going to say Larnell Lewis blows my mind
How many people know of this?
What do you guys consider to be "lovecraftian music"?
Yall ever listened to Grouper?
Other than The Beatles, what is the greatest band of all time?
HAHA 🤣🤣🤣 Deswegen sind frauen auch dümmer 🤣🤣🤣 lg euer Achim (ps: ich hoffe ihr versteht spaß😜😜)
Against the wishes of my therapist…. i’m excited to read nietzsche for the first time :)
Name one duster song but replace one word with "Wank"
Name one Gorillaz song but replace one word with "Wank"
day 15, worst album
Duster shows- age range?
day 9, best song
SAWII cassettes available, not limited edition chrome
impossible drumsticks?